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Friday, 10 December 2010

6 Great Tips to Avoid the Christmas Bulge

It’s Christmas time, mistletoe and wine… beer, puddings, sloth, potatoes, late nights, dark nights, cold days, cakes, pies and at least one day where you may consume up to 8000 calories!
Yes, my merry chums, you may consume 8000 calories on Christmas day! Wow, that is roughly 4 days worth of energy all balled into one large meal and an undoubted string of sweet, salty or chocolaty goodies, not to mention an ample barrel of several different drinks.
I think it may be time to temper our gluttonous ways and opt for an equally delicious, warm and lovely way to celebrate Xmas…
So, here are some tips you can follow to avoid feeling like a stuffed game bird by midnight on the 25th
  • Try and do a great workout on the 23rd. If you can do a workout using the legs and some hard interval running, you’ll have your metabolism primed to top gear in order to burn many calories over the following 3 days.
  • It is common to drink more during the run up to Christmas – both in terms of alcohol and soft drinks. So, for those office parties, set yourself a limit of drinks to minimize the damage – perhaps 3-4. Try to avoid soft, sugary drinks by going for water, or adding juices to water for a less sugary option.
  • Be clever with your choice of Christmas meat – white Turkey meat will have the least fat and calories of them all, with Pork and Goose coming up top in those steaks.
  • To avoid feeling like a beached whale following your feast, try eating fewer starchy vegetables like potatos and adding more fibrous counterparts such as peas, sprouts and parsnips. And when it does come to the potatoes – chop them into larger chunks and they will absorb less fat!
  • Down to dessert – why not try serving your Christmas pudding with yoghurt instead of cream, brandy cream or ice cream? Perhaps even add fruit such as apples to add some vitamins.
  • And last but not least… try and be active! Perhaps perform some body weight squats, press ups and lunges when you wake up – 3x12 each, to boost your metabolism. And why not go for a walk after lunch – 45 minutes brisk walking in the cold is bound to leave you full of energy and not slumped comatose on the sofa!
So there you have it, 6 great tips to avoid piling on the pounds in the Christmas season! If you can follow a few you will come out on the other side of the festive season looking as fit as ever!

Friday, 3 December 2010

A couple of ways to keep your Liver in tip-top shape this party season!

It's all well and good looking great on the outside.... and if you are honest, that'll probably be the main reason you go down to the gym or pile your plate high with veggies, fruits and salads. And a noble cause it is too, with loads of fabulous benefits! Some people, though, are always going on about how it is important to look at what is on the inside as well. I'm not going to talk about depth of personality, kindness or any of that stuff... I'm going to talk about your liver.

I mean who wants to sport a refreshing lemony yellow colour in their later years? So here are two things you can do to try and avoid looking like a lily-livered, yellow-bellied whatsit...

1. Take your milkthistle...

Ahh, isn't that pretty...
Studies have shown that regularly taking milkthistle can reduce your chances of liver disease by 18%... well that's not bad. I think we should all give it a go.

2. Peanut Butter..

Yup, those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you used to eat were actually doing you good.. who new? Although, I say ditch the jelly and put a good teaspoon on your oat cake for a great morning snack. Apparently, the effects of liver damage can be greatly reduced by eating the stuff, due to the high levels of antioxidant vitamin E.
See it\s not all rabbit food after all...
This is the one to go for!

Enjoy staying healthy this Xmas...