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Friday, 3 December 2010

A couple of ways to keep your Liver in tip-top shape this party season!

It's all well and good looking great on the outside.... and if you are honest, that'll probably be the main reason you go down to the gym or pile your plate high with veggies, fruits and salads. And a noble cause it is too, with loads of fabulous benefits! Some people, though, are always going on about how it is important to look at what is on the inside as well. I'm not going to talk about depth of personality, kindness or any of that stuff... I'm going to talk about your liver.

I mean who wants to sport a refreshing lemony yellow colour in their later years? So here are two things you can do to try and avoid looking like a lily-livered, yellow-bellied whatsit...

1. Take your milkthistle...

Ahh, isn't that pretty...
Studies have shown that regularly taking milkthistle can reduce your chances of liver disease by 18%... well that's not bad. I think we should all give it a go.

2. Peanut Butter..

Yup, those peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you used to eat were actually doing you good.. who new? Although, I say ditch the jelly and put a good teaspoon on your oat cake for a great morning snack. Apparently, the effects of liver damage can be greatly reduced by eating the stuff, due to the high levels of antioxidant vitamin E.
See it\s not all rabbit food after all...
This is the one to go for!

Enjoy staying healthy this Xmas...

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