We all train in some way or another; whether we walk to the bus stop, run on a sunday morning, patrol the supermarket aisles or endeavour to train under a rigorous regime - we train. In some way or another we are training to function in our lives. If you need to get to the bus, then walking there every day adapts your body to that particular function. If you want to run a marathon, you need to systematically train your body for that function.
Should you want to lose weight it seems there is no immediate training to function paradigm. That makes it a little harder. There are answers though. You just have to consider the function that is being played by all the things you put into your body and all of the ways in which you expend that energy. If you put nothing into your body, then it can serve no function - so that isn't the answer. If you want to reach your leanest weight - 'your' leanest, not someone elses - then you have to take a close look at your habits and see what function they serve. Too often, through an abundance of choices in the gym, it becomes easy for someone to train a little randomly - to just do a bit of this and that in the hope that all that energy expenditure will add up to one tidy little package. But if you aren't seeing results, perhaps you've worked out that this is not working for you...
It's our job to take a look at your lifestyle, your habits and your potential and give you the correct, and specific, way of achieving your potential.
Be specific with us and we can give you specifically what you want. It's as easy as 1,2,3...
Brother Gym

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