With the advent of the internet we've all become 'experts' in pretty much anything we'd like to be. It's quie useful actually, I mean who doesn't want to be an expert in something... but this can throw up a few problems.
If you make a search for how to lose weight or gain muscle you'll come up with a million different pages and a million different ways of doing it. It can get quite confusing, and in the end pretty counterproductive. You end up going to the gym not knowing whether to run slow and for a long time or quickly in an interval pattern. You don't know whether to lift heavy weights a few times or light weights over and over again. Do you train every day? How much rest do you need? How many reps is enough to achieve what you want? How DO you get bigger arms, a flatter stomach and washboard abs?
All these things require a complex combination of different methods in order to achieve them... that's where Brother Gym comes in. We've made this our expertise, this is our raison d'etre after all.
We'll remove your doubts, straighten out all the complexities and remove all the frustration, doubt and wasted energy you might feel when going it alone.
Come and try us out...
Brother Gym

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