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Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Gettin' yourself to the gym!

G'day folks... I hope you are enjoying the beautiful rays of sun streaming through the windows this morning! So, it's all well and good talking about the benefits of exercise, how to do it and the nutrition necessary to fulfill for your dreams. But, there is one topic that is often left to one side - the issue of getting to the gym, being in top shape to have a great workout and maintaining focus and energy for 45-90 minutes! So, here are some ways of maximizing your potential in the gym - warning, you may see massive and significant gains in success...

  • We all have good intentions throughout the day - oh yeah, I'll be going to the gym! But then the bell rings for clocking out time and the excuses start to kick in... I don't have the energy, my back/neck is sore, there's always tomorrow etc... Days and weeks can pass in this game of cat and gym mouse, until you notice a little softness in the bum/tum area and manage to make it as a last resort against the impending demoralisation of putting on some weight. It's a pretty simple issue though - motivation. Yes, I harp on about the M word quite a lot... but it is a key element in increasing your chances at success in the gym. When you set your goals, you need to have an iron will and a realistic method. My tip for this would be to maintain that realistic stance.... if you want to lose 1-2lb's per week, then less than 3 sessions a week ain't gonna cut it. So if you want to do this, then plan your sessions in advance and don't allow anything to get in your way. When it gets to 1730, be prepared... here's how:
Don't let clocking out time knock you out!
  • Fuel - if you're gonna take your body for a spin then fuel is the vital issue here. So I recommend that you consume one of the following at any time between 90 minutes and 3 hours before the gym:
    • Apple
    • Oats
    • Yoghurt
    • Nuts
    • Grapes
    • Oranges
    • 1 slice wholewheat toast with peanut butter
    • 1/2 sweet potato
    • 1/4 cup brown rice
    • Beetroot
  • If you don't have the time to think about this too far in advance then I recommend that 20-30 minutes prior to a workout you eat a banana or raisins and either a cup of green tea or a strong coffee to get in the zone.
You see, the issue is that by late in the afternoon, most people are either too stressed or lacking in energy levels to focus on the gym. Giving your body a source of slow releasing carbohydrates can help to level the hormones that cause stress, thus freeing your mind to think about other things. Some caffeine taken before the gym has been shown to massively increase focus, energy and power and thus giving you a better workout!

So help rid yourself of excuses to not workout by fuelling yourself properly and getting in the zone before a workout.... last tip, find some music that fills you with energy, focus and passion and you'll be pumping the weights for a lot longer...


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