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Monday, 20 September 2010

Post-Weekend Rejuvenation

Well, it's that day that comes after the weekend... dare I say its name? I think we'll just celebrate the fact that it is more than half over! You may have woken up today feeling a little like this:
A little broken, tired, groggy, lethargic and a bit hazy about what you did over the last couple of days... The weekend is after all the time to let your hair down and you probably spent most of it drinking things like this
Delboy's Drinks Cabinet!
More than things like this...
If you did, then now is the time to help your body recoup from some of your excesses!

This is what I would do on the day 'whose name we shall not mention' to get my mojo back...

1. Run it off... if you aren't feeling your best today then the key is to sweat it off. Spend your day hydrating with a large glass of water every hour, some vegetables and fruit... then head down to the gym and get yourself on the treadmill... forget interval training today - your performance levels may be a little low. Instead, it is time to keep going for a long time whilst listening to some great music. A good 7/8 km run at a steady pace, with perhaps a little faster running near the end will help get your body ticking at its best again. Follow this with some crunches, body weight squats and press ups to boost your metabolism.
2. Be electric... Friday and Saturday night may have left you dehydrated and now your run will have used up a load of electrolytes, so fill your stores with a great smoothie or vegetable juice. If making at home, i recommend a juice of orange, carrot, ginger, apple and beetroot. Otherwise any of Innocent's great choices will help do the trick. Top this off by drinking a cup of green tea each morning to help cleanse your body and rev up your metabolic rate!
3. Keep it green... Your liver has taken a little pasting, and although the idea of 'detox' has been exploited to the max, there is something to be said for going green on a Monday in particular. My recommendation would be a piece of baked organic salmon, a new potato (with a squeeze of lime for great contrasting flavours) and a lightly oiled stir fry of cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, chili, red peppers, onion, garlic and courgette... this will be nourishing and boost your liver's performance as well as your energy!
Find this tasty Salmon dish with Okra, here.
So there we have it, 3 ways to get yourself back in tip top shape to face the week after a great weekend!

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