Supplementation is perhaps the most controversial topic in the world of fitness and health. I mean, in 2010 in the Western World, what could we possibly need to supplement our already over zealous diets?
Well, it is true, we do live in the land of plenty - a society defined by an overabundance of everything that man can possibly produce. But in this buffet of indulgence do we really know what is good for us and what we should be eating in order to achieve the fitness goals we have? That is debatable, but of course the supplement companies would have you believe that they have a bunch of stone tables decreeing what is and what isn't part of a healthy diet.
I have trawled nutrition journals, read the nutrition info on countless tubs of protein powder and ingested copious amounts of muscle building, vein popping, fat trimming supplements over the years. So I have some experience, and now I am going to narrow it down for you... I am going to condense the experience I have gained over the last several years into a few body changing supplements.
Let me get one issue out of the way first.... 'Brother Gym, if I take these supplements am I suddenly going to grow huge buffalo style muscles, have veins popping out of my skull and lose 20% of my I.Q?' Err, no. Or 'Brother Gym, I'm a young lady and I don't want to become really muscular, butch or show any veins'. Well, you won't.
I'll explain a little... let's take protein supplements for example. Your body requires protein to synthesize muscles and hormones. It is an essential part of our diet. The key question is, how much should you eat? If you exercise a decent amount, then I would say 1.2 grams of protein for every kg of body weight. If you exercise 3-5 times a week, then 1.5 g/kg of body weight. If you exercise once or twice a day, then 2g/kg body weight. So if you way 75kg and train 5 times per week you will need about 113 grams of protein per day - roughly 4-5 chicken breasts, 5 tins of tuna etc... essentially, quite a lot to fit into your diet, and then there is the cost of all that food! Once you think about it, protein supplementation makes quite a lot of sense - it is a convenient way of reaching your daily needs and cheap in relative terms. So, that is supplement secret number 1 - take advantage of protein supplements in order to simplify your busy life.
So, which protein supplement?
In my experience the best is:
CNP Pro-Peptide is a top quality protein supplement, considered to be the best in the business. It costs roughly £45 for a tub that has about 40-60 it can last about two months. Less than £1/day.... well, that's pretty good value for money. I suggest 1 1/2 scoops twice a day, once as a mid morning snack and once in the mid afternoon.
Within a week or two of taking this supplement you will notice that your muscles are fuller, harder and stronger. You will make quicker strength gains as your muscles are being properly fed and repaired on a daily basis.
And ladies, as a side note. The chances of any of you becoming butch, overly muscly and muscle bound are slim to none. The body uses testosterone to become big and muscly, something you are quite fortunately lacking in on the levels to achieve this. Protein supplementation will just help to maintain your strength and create a tone, lean physique!
Tomorrow: What supplement I should use when I have just worked out?
Hope this has been helpful.
Ps. Most bodybuilding supplements are a lot of..... rubbish. I do not work for CNP, or have any connection with them. This advice comes from only my experience as a trainer, personal trainer and nutritional therapy student. Do not stop eating properly or rely on these products. 9 times out of 10, real healthy food will work better for you. This is a convenient supplement for the busy and those dedicated to making a sustainable difference to their body.
Brother Gym

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There are a lot of ways to keep your body in shape. Supplements are one, and can work with exercise and proper diet.