Hey gymnasts,
So, one of the most common questions I get asked is how can I get leaner, more shapely legs. And my answer is never, "just sit around and think about it". Surprisingly.
So how would i tackle this subject? Well, here's a 3 pronged attack on the ol' legs.
1) Cardio, cardio, cardio. Boo I hear you chant in unison. Hang on a second, though. I said there could be no magic! It isn't that difficult though really. Go for a walk - you'll feel satisfied, energised and pleased with yourself. Get on the treadmill - keep it short. 20 -30 mins of hard training (hard from your perception, don't worry about the guy next to you) 3 times per week should have you on the road to leggy heaven in no time!
2) Squat to success! Squats are not an arcane method of torture. Honestly. I'm not talking mind-blowing feats of human strength here either. Mix 4 sets of 20 body weight squats into your workouts twice a week and begin to see a change pretty rapidly. As this gets easy, start to carry 10kg on your shoulders and slowly build up. By week 6 you should do 4 sets of 12-15 - just enough weight that you feel a good burn in the legs and keep upping the weight to maintain the burn!
3) Don't stress about it. Stress is a sure way to keep the pounds on. Structure your workouts to fit your life and you'll be laughing all the way to the beach next summer. No need to become miserable or a gym freak.
Give it a go and tell me if your legs don't start to shape up nicely!

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