I'm gonna guarantee you today that the number one reason people start exercising is to lose weight! I'd bet my savings on it. I'd also guarantee you that the number one reason people stop exercising is because they have not seen the weight loss that they would like to have seen... this is a simple and easily altered state of affairs. Brother Gym believes that everyone deserves to be happy, and if part of that happiness comes from the confidence of a decent body and great health then we want to bring it to the masses... Soon you will be able to sign up to the Brother Gym website, which is going to give each individual a bespoke training program for a very affordable fee so that you can make the most of the precious time you spend at the gym or at the park. Today, I'm going to give you a little guide to kick off your weight loss journey.
Everyone can make a massive change, starting now! |
- This is your journey.... do not rely on this change to make you a happy person. Losing weight is a fabulous way to change your life - you will become fitter, more energetic and feel more confident. But, do not become obsessed or expect this to be therapy. Losing weight - the result and the journey - can help you sort out things in your life, but if you are happy the way you are then there is no need to be extreme. Your appearance is no judgment on who you are, so stay fit and healthy but don't feel the pressure to be lean and skinny!
- Find out where you are... you can't start a journey without knowing your own position. If Brother Gym is going to be your sat nav in this journey, we need to know where you are and where you want to go. So, my first tip is to weigh yourself today and set yourself a goal. See here to read up on the best way to set your goals.
- Be affirmative... nothing gets moving without a little energy and determination. Be decisive, know what you want and go out there and get it. If you are going to use a gym, go and join it today; if you are going to change your eating patterns, then detox your kitchen cupboards today! Every day before you start this journey only gives you more distance to go.
- Find out what you like... it is all well and good for Brother Gym to prescribe 30 minutes on the treadmill 4x per week, but if you know that there is no hope in hell of you doing this, for whatever reasons, then you will get nowhere. Everyone gets to places in different ways. If you like skipping up the road for fun, then tell us when you join up. We'll prescribe skipping through the park 3x per week - it's all doing the same thing in the end, burning calories and making you fitter and leaner.
- Don't be too hard on yourself... ok, so your diet may have been pretty awful for the first 25 years of your life, but we can all change at any given moment. Your past does not cement your future into a certain pattern. And, once you start this new lifestyle, don't beat yourself up if you give into a binge with the ice cream tub. Everyone needs a cheat meal now and again and beating yourself up only causes stress that will release fat loving stress hormones. Be confident in yourself, accept your human fallibility and keep moving forward knowing that you can jump all the hurdles in your path.
- Always remind yourself of your destination... if you forget where you wanted to go when you started on this journey, you will end up getting lost. Find a way to chart your journey and keep in mind what you have left to do.
Brother Gym welcomes you all...
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